Le désir: I forgot to be pretty (...)

< J-4:

I could drown myself in celebrity,
Or in a bottle of Chardonnay,
We could have seen me on TV,
But I forgot to be pretty...

Ornella Roccia


I can be sweet and be devoted but I won’t    
I can be caring and inspiring but I won’t
I can be neat and tidy, loving but I won't
I can be glossy, maybe flossy but I don't

You expect me to be as patient as elegant   
The relevance of my benevolence is evident
You think if you can keep it as eloquent
There’s a chance I’ll agree all this is my element    

I can tell by the look in your eyes    
You're lapping up every word I say, wait no no no
I can feel your attention arise
Actually my neighbour’s chest is a bit more, more, more
I could drown myself in celebrity         
Or in a bottle of Chardonnay
We could have seen me on TV
But I forgot to be pretty

I should have taken pictures of kittens and me   
I should have posted photos of my meals at the beach on FB

If I knew that was the kind of talent we’re seeking today  
I would have learned to point my ass before playing music
My words may not seem to be politically correct
Sorry but I feel like I am getting sick to death

I don’t think that I’m born to be     
A role model in society
I prefer to eat my fill,
Smile from ear to ear with something between my teeth
Please make no mistake about it
I understand but just disagree
You'll never see me on a magazine
At least I still know who I am when I go to sleep


Musique & Paroles : Ornella ROCCIA (Nell)

Les paroles sont publiées sur le blog avec l'autorisation de Nell...

 (Vous pouvez les faire traduire sur le blog directement par Google dans toutes les langues que vous voulez... Mais juste pour le Fun et  avec les limites de ce genre d'exercice sans garantie du respect des intentions originelles de l'Auteure 😁... )

Ce  poème est publié dans le cadre  des premières:

RENCONTRES  POÉTIQUES VIRTUELLES du Lison  et + si Affinités (...?)


La Photo de couverture de  cet article est l'œuvre de:

                     ( Cliquez sur l'image pour en savoir plus...)

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#Le désir

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